I-Sis 三重奏『 55 根』琴弦的魅力∕香港從古典到現代的完美結合,從激情似火的探戈到濃情蜜意的中國風樂曲,以全新的演繹方式,打造出亞洲獨一無二的新加坡豎琴女子三重奏。 演出者: 豎琴∕陳酒店打工慧雯(Katryna Tan)  小提琴∕嚴曼 大提琴∕ 劉君豔 時間&地點:2008/11/24(一)20:00香港豎琴堡(香港灣仔軒尼詩道289號朱鈞記商業中心18樓A座)票價:70(學生、香港豎琴堡會裝潢員)、100港幣購票請洽:852-3741-0202 或 angela@harpchamber.comHailed as one of Singapore ’s leading chamber group, I-Sis Trio is set to take Asia ’s stage by storm with their ARMANIunique combination of 55 strings, all with three voices of Harp, Violin and Cello.The Trio members are excellent musicians with a leading reputation —‧Cindy Yan (Violin) is a 酒店打工multi-award violinist whose career has spanned from Shanghai to New Zealand and toured several Europe countries and Asia as concertmaster and soloist. ‧Katryna Tan (Harp) is 個人信貸Singapore’s National Arts Council Young Artist Award Winner 2005 and she is already an established soloist and a leading voice for the harp community in Singapore and Malaysia. ‧東森房屋Natasha Liu (Cello) has won the Cavatina Chamber Prize in London and has performed in Denmark , UK , Russia and Singapore .Together, I-Sis Trio is formed, bringing a new girl 酒店打工power harp trio—also one of the first of its kind in Asia . I-Sis trio breaks new wave with music from Beethoven to Beatles, from Classical to movie music, from Tango to jazz – 票貼all with a contemporary twist and a style unique to I-Sis. The trio’s repertoire also includes transcriptions and new compositions by commissioned composers including American 小型辦公室composer Michael Duff. Their performances in Malaysia and Singapore have received rave reviews. I-Sis Trio will guest appear in Singapore’s Harp Festival and has also been 租房子invited to perform in Hong Kong.

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